关于「 full network」的内容列表

In the past 12 hours, the whole network has exploded 410 million dollars

According to Coinglass data, in the past 12 hours, the whole network liquidated 410 million US dollars, of which multiple single liquidated 299 million US dollars, and empty single liquidated 110 million US dollars.

2025-02-21 22:59:01
In the past 4 hours, the whole network exploded 153 million US dollars, and the main explosion was multiple orders

According to Coinglass data, in the past 4 hours, the whole network liquidated 153 million US dollars, of which multiple single liquidated 142 million US dollars, and empty single liquidated 10.3821 million US dollars.

2025-02-18 18:28:19
In the past 24 hours, the whole network exploded nearly 300 million US dollars, and the main explosion was multiple orders

According to Coinglass data, in the past 24 hours, the whole network liquidated 291 million US dollars, of which multiple single liquidated 240 million US dollars, and empty single liquidated 51.7771 million US dollars.

2025-02-18 17:06:32
In the past 24 hours, the whole network LAYER liquidated 23.74 million US dollars, and the liquidated position was only less than BTC and ETH.

According to Coinglass data, in the past 24 hours, the whole network LAYER liquidation of $23.74 million, LAYER multiple single liquidation of $17.17 million, LAYER empty single liquidation of $6.57 million. In the past 24 hours, the amount of LAYER liquidation on the whole network was only less than the amount of Bitcoin and Ethereum liquidation.

2025-02-12 02:05:37
In the past 24 hours, the whole network has exploded over 2 billion dollars

According to Coinglass data, in the past 24 hours, the whole network liquidated 2.053 billion US dollars, of which multiple single liquidated 1.78 billion US dollars, and empty single liquidated 270 million US dollars.

2025-02-03 02:17:56
In the past 1 hour, the whole network exploded 141 million US dollars, and the main explosion was multiple orders

According to Coinglass data, in the past 1 hour, the whole network liquidated 141 million dollars, of which multiple single liquidated 133 million dollars, and empty single liquidated 8.26 million dollars.

2025-02-03 01:44:18
The whole network BTC contract has not been positioned squaring up to 647,200 BTC

According to Coinglass data, the total number of BTC contracts not positioned squaring reached 647,200 (about $64.027 billion), a decrease of 1.65% in 24 hours. Among them, CME ranked first with 177,300 BTC (about $17.499 billion), accounting for 27.33%, a decrease of 3.13% in 24 hours; Binance ranked second with 121,500 BTC (about $12.026 billion), accounting for 18.78%, a decrease of 0.86% in 24 hours.

2025-02-02 15:44:41
In the past 24 hours, the whole network exploded 495 million US dollars, and the main explosion was multiple orders

According to Coinglass data, in the past 24 hours, the whole network liquidated 495 million US dollars, of which multiple single liquidated 447 million US dollars, and empty single liquidated 48.21 million US dollars.

2025-02-02 04:22:56
In the past 4 hours, the whole network exploded 285 million US dollars, and the main explosion was multiple orders

Coinglass data shows that in the past 4 hours, the whole network liquidated 285 million US dollars, of which multiple single liquidated 219 million US dollars, and empty single liquidated 65.8538 million US dollars.

2025-01-20 17:58:57
In the past 12 hours, the whole network exploded 353 million dollars, and the long and short double exploded

On January 20, according to Coinglass data, the whole network liquidated 353 million US dollars in the past 12 hours, of which multiple single liquidated 210 million US dollars, and empty single liquidated 143 million US dollars.

2025-01-20 12:23:16
In the past 12 hours, the whole network exploded 236 million dollars, and the main explosion was empty.

Coinglass data show that in the past 12 hours, the whole network liquidated 236 million dollars, of which empty single liquidated 186 million dollars, multiple single liquidated 50.8974 million dollars, the main explosion of empty orders.

2025-01-15 23:43:21
In the past 1 hour, the whole network exploded 140 million US dollars, and the main explosion was multiple orders

Coinglass data show that in the past 1 hour the whole network liquidation 140 million dollars, of which empty single liquidation 14.2025 million dollars, multiple single liquidation 126 million dollars. In the past 4 hours the whole network liquidation 294 million dollars, in the past 24 hours the whole network liquidation 675 million dollars.

2025-01-13 14:42:28
In the past 12 hours, the amount of liquidation on the whole network is 244 million US dollars, and the long and short double explosions

The data shows that in the past 12 hours, the amount of liquidation on the whole network is 244 million US dollars, of which the amount of multiple single liquidation is about 110 million US dollars, and the amount of empty single liquidation is about 134 million US dollars.

2025-01-10 23:42:15
In the past 24 hours, the whole network exploded 375 million US dollars, and the main explosion was multiple orders

According to Coinglass data, in the past 24 hours, the whole network liquidated 375 million US dollars, of which multiple single liquidated 264 million US dollars, and empty single liquidated 111 million US dollars.

2025-01-10 02:24:22
In the past 24 hours, the whole network has exploded to 649 million US dollars, and the main explosion is multiple orders

According to Coinglass data, in the past 24 hours, the whole network liquidated 649 million US dollars, of which multiple single liquidated 588 million US dollars, and empty single liquidated 61.1394 million US dollars.

2025-01-08 06:40:19

7x24 快讯

16:47 2025-03-26
据官方页面信息,币安首批投票上币项目中,BANANAS31(19.4%)、WHY(18.8%)最终排名前二。 此前消息,币安宣布启动首次投票上币活动,用户可对已完成官方尽职调查的代币进行投票,最终排名前两位的代币将获币安上线资格。
16:44 2025-03-26
链上侦探 ZachXBT 于 X 平台发文批评 Hyperliquid 称:“令人气愤的是,Hyperliquid 官方可以随意划线操控价格,但当朝鲜黑客们使用 Radiant 盗窃资金在上面持有一定规模的空单仓位时,他们却无动于衷。”
16:44 2025-03-26
16:26 2025-03-26
据官方公告,币安原定于 2025 年 3 月 26 日 16:15(UTC)上线的 MAVIAUSDT 永续合约,交易开始时间将推迟至 2025 年 3 月 26 日 17:00(UTC)。
16:23 2025-03-26
Hyperliquid上HLP TVL骤减至1.98亿美元
据 Hyperliquid 官网信息,HLP TVL 短时骤减至 1.98 亿美元。 此前消息,HLP TVL 此前高达 2.4 亿美元。
16:17 2025-03-26
CZ 在社交媒体上发文表示:“我知道自己不算聪明。不懂的时候我会承认,也常觉得那些厉害的人一定掌握了什么我不知道的诀窍,才能做到我做不到的事。但偶尔,我会发现:最基础的法则依然适用。” 值得注意的是,CZ 该推文引用了此前‘DEX 不如 CEX’的推文。对此 CZ 特意解释称,为避免混淆,该推文与 HL 事件无关。是自己之前尝试用 BSC 链上 Asther...
16:08 2025-03-26
16:02 2025-03-26
据 Lookonchain 监测,Hyperliquid 在下架 JELLY 前,以 0.0095 美元的价格清算了 3.92 亿枚 JELLY(约合 372 万美元),没有任何损失,反而获利了 70.3 万美元。
15:59 2025-03-26
Arthur Hayes:Hyperliquid根本就不是去中心化的
Arthur Hayes 在社交媒体上发文表示,Hyperliquid 无法处理 JELLY 事件,这根本就不去中心化,更别以为交易员真在乎这事,自己敢打赌 HYPE 很快就会跌回原点。
15:53 2025-03-26
Hyperliquid 在 Discord 上发布回应表示,在发现可疑市场活动后,验证者委员会经投票决定下架 JELLY 永续合约。 除标记地址外,所有用户损失将由 Hyper 基金会全额补偿。补偿将基于链上数据在未来几天自动执行,无需提交工单。具体实施方案将在后续公告中详细说明。与其他公链类似,验证者时常需集体协商并采取果断行动以维护网络完整性。Hyperli...
15:50 2025-03-26
AC锐评Hyperliquid HLP清算事件:仓位大小不是杠杆的固定函数,DeFi不应有固定值杠杆
针对此前”某地址效仿此前 Hyperliquid 上 50 倍杠杆巨鲸操作把 3.98 亿枚 JELLY 空单甩给 Hyperliquid,引发 Hyperliquid 金库面临清算和损失“一事,Sonic Labs 联创 Andre Cronje 于 X 平台发文称:仓位大小不是杠杆的固定函数,而是依赖于可用流动性和实现波动性,小仓位可以是 1000 倍杠杆,大仓位只有 1.2 倍。在 DeFi 中不能有固定值。
15:44 2025-03-26
据市场消息显示,Hyperliquid 下架 JELLYJELLY 并以 0.0095 美元的有利价格完成结算,没有损失任何资金。